
wit end

Wit’s End

Advice and Resources for Saving Your Out-of-Control Teen 

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Shame Nation

The Global Epidemic of Online Hate


Google Bomb

The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet

Written With the Modern Parent In Mind

Sue Scheff Focuses on Tough Topics; Such As Digital Safety and Cyberbullying, as well as:

Sue Scheff is a Nationally Recognized Author, Parent Advocate and Family Internet Safety Advocate. She founded Parents Universal Resources Experts, Inc. in 2001. 

After being stalked, harassed, bullied and slandered online – in 2006, Scheff won a landmark case for internet defamation with an $11.3M jury verdict.  Since then, she’s been an advocate for cyberbullying prevention (online shaming) and promoting the importance of online reputation. 

Since then, Sue has provided invaluable information and resources to countless families in crisis and professionals and organizations struggling with their online reputation.


In 2008, Sue Scheff authored Wit’s End: Advice and Resources for Saving Your Out-of-Control Teen, a book chronicling her personal experiences and offering advice to broader audiences; published by Health Communication Inc., HCI (home of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series).


In 2009, Scheff authored her second book, Google Bomb: The Untold Story of the $11.3M Verdict That Changed the Way We Use the Internet (HCI), detailing the events of this landmark trial.


Sue Scheff released her third book, SHAME NATION: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate (Sourcebooks, October 2017). Shame Nation offers firsthand stories, resources and advice to prevent and overcome online hate and digital discourse. With over 25 contributors and experts from around the globe, Monica Lewinsky pens a beautiful foreword in Shame Nation on public humiliation and the need for empathy and digital resilience online. As seen on Dr. Oz, order today. Praise for Shame Nation.

Book Reviews

Parent & Cyber Safety Advocate

A strong voice against cyberbullying, pubic and online shaming, and building your digital reputation.

As we increasingly engage with technology throughout our everyday lives, we often do not realize that our actions online have consequences in the real world.

Sue Scheff is an award-winning author and expert on parenting in the digital age. She has dedicated her life to helping parents protect their children online.

Sue’s books are full of advice and tips that parents can use to make sure their kids are staying safe and smart on the internet. She understands that parenting during our tech-filled era can be daunting and her work makes it easier for parents to keep their children safe.

She is also a dedicated advocate for children and families. She works with schools, community organizations, and the media to give parents the tools they need to protect their children online.

The Sue Scheff Blog

This blog explores some common pitfalls Internet users of all ages may face in the world of Web 2.0 and social media, as well as the best practices to avoid hazards that may potentially damage online and real-world relationships and reputations. 

Reach Out to Sue

Please feel free to reach out to Sue Scheff with any questions, concerns, or inquiries about availability for speaking engagements. 

If you are interested in P.U.R.E.™ please visit and fill out their contact form to be contacted more promptly regarding your concerns or questions. 

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Do you have a question or comment for Sue Scheff? Please contact us here.